Big, I say! BIG bead by JC Herrell
- £35.00
J C Herrell is an artist whose work I have been collecting for years. Each time she makes a bead, it is original and amazing. She moves from precise dots to dusted enamels to HUGE beads to small and intricate works.
This is a HUGE bead. It's probably the biggest bead I own. It's BIG, and I mean B I G! It's also a stupendous bit of beadmaking and will be the most amazing focal, ever.
I am reluctantly selling my collection because the car needs work which will take more cash than I have.
Tillerman Beads * Quality Works, Old Fire Station * Rochdale Road * Todmorden * Lancs * OL14 7NA ph: 07904974935 email:[email protected] |